The records are the evidences which reflect: aims and objectives of the institute. Records also show its origin and growth and philosophy of the institution. As a social institution, school is answerable to parents, managing committee, education department, community and to pupils. Every school is required to keep an accurate and complete account of each and every pupil on its rolls and submit periodically report based on these records.
Records are again essential for furnishing the Department of Education with an overall picture of the school, which is based on facts and figures. These data are utilised for planning future programmes in budgetary form.
Jan 14, 2018 - Stock Register - YouTube 1024 × 768 - 111k - jpg Police public school 728 × 546 - 93k - jpg To store and maintain the college dead stocks - sudhargk/Dead-Stock-Register. To host and review code, manage projects, and build software together.
A school has to maintain computer records of each student. These records will reveal progress that each student has made and also show the weakness and strengths of the educational programme. Where computer facility is not available these records can be prepared manually with the assistance of teacher and administrative staff. The records can broadly be classified under the following six headings: (i) General Records 1.
General register 2. Visitors' book 4. Staff record 5. Public relations record (ii) Records of Teachers 1. Service book 2.
Attendance register 3. Leave register 4. Register of private tuitions of teacher 5. Confidential record 6. Teacher's diary (iii) Records of Pupils 1.
Attendance register 2. School leaving certificate 3.
Cumulative record card 4. Admission record 5. Performance record. (iv) Equipment Records 1. Dead stock register 2. Laboratory register 3.
Library register 4. Stationery issue book 5. Stock and issue of sports material 6. Inventories of infrastructural facilities (v) Statistical Data: Statistical information related to pupil enrolment, sex-wise distribution of pupils, pupil-staff ratio, cost per student, failure records etc. (vi) Financial Records' (1) Daily cash book (2) Ledger (3) Contingency register (4) Register of fee collection (5) Register of donations received.
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Share Nov 26, 2018 Owning a business is all about being productive and profitable, but let’s be honest, mismanaging your inventory isn’t going to get you there. The main goal of any retail business is selling inventory, but you can’t sell anything if you don’t know where it is, where it’s supposed to go, and how much you have. Peace of mind and a more efficient business are waiting for those who tackle their inventory head-on. Keep reading for a better understanding of what retail inventory management is and how you can use it to transform your retail store. Autocad 2013 otkrivaetsya i srazu zakrivaetsya.
What is Retail Inventory Management? Retail inventory management is what keeps your whole business in order. (Well, that and your.) It is the set of systems and tools you use to keep track of the inventory in your store. This may seem like a simple task, but there’s a lot of information that goes into managing your inventory: • How much of each item is in stock? • What and when do you need to reorder? • Are you ordering too much or too little inventory?
• What are your best and worst selling items? • Should you stop selling something completely? • Is your inventory storage sufficient? Inventory management is either taken by hand or electronically. While some may prefer to take inventory by hand, this can be a long and tedious process, especially for stores with larger inventories or a lot of really small items in their inventory. You also have to update your numbers daily to keep track of sales and stock levels.
All of this equals far more math than you may have asked for, as well as much more work. Most business owners don’t have that kind of energy and time. Managing retail inventory electronically, ideally through a, makes everything easier on you. There’s no need to crunch numbers or spend hours at your desk when your POS updates all of that for you automatically. All you need to do is log in to your POS and you can check your inventory levels almost instantly. You can see what sales were made, when, and by who, as well as what your best selling items are, and even who made the sales. This method takes minutes, not a full afternoon.