Laadla (The Beloved Son) is the story of Raju (Anil Kapoor) who lives with his disabled mom (Farida Jalal). One day Raju on his way to a job interview saves the life of a rich textile mill owner (Anupam Kher) who offers him a job in his factory which is run by his ambitious daughter Sheetal (SriDevi). Microsoft encarta junior 2009. Sheetal's competitive attitude and open insults result in her making several enemies in her industry. Raju works as a mechanic in the mill and confronts Sheetal several times to get the workers proper treatment. Raju's fairness for workers result in him being elected as the union leader.
Raju meets Kajol (Raveena Tandon), who also works in the textile mill, and they fall in love. Raju saves Sheetal's life during an attempt by a competing textile mill owner (Prem Chopra) to eliminate her. Sheetal wants to win over Raju and makes an offer to marry him. When Raju turns her down she forces his mom to agree to the marriage. Raju accepts his mom's wishes and decides to sacrifice his love for. Sridevi probably first introduced anti-heroine roles in Bollywood as a proud and arrogant businesswoman The film starts off nicely with Sridevi's intro But raises a question?
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Anil Kapoor is poor and middle-classed but still manages to arrange to go on an airplane? Also how does he lift a heavy Farida Jalal who is bigger than him? Direction is good Music is OK especially the Main Raju Deewana song Anil Kapoor excels in his brilliant role as a hardworking union leader Sridevi rocks all the way Raveena Tandon is OK Anupam Kher is funny Aruna Irani makes good support Farida Jalal does well Prem Chopra is sinister Paresh Rawal is passable Mohnish Behl is alright Shakti Kapoor is passable.
Finansovyy menedzhment. Uchebnik (Russian) Hardcover – 2011. Be the first to review this item. See all formats and editions Hide other formats and editions. Inzhenernaya ekologiya i ekologicheskiy menedzhment. Uchebnik on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Uchebnik (Russian) Hardcover – 2011. Meskon uchebnik menedzhment 2011. Assessment of transaction costs in corporate structures // Vector science TSU. № 2 (16), 2011. Veretennikova A.Yu. Integral'nyi pokazatel' prirosta znanii firmy // Menedzhment v Rossii i za rubezhom. In article the functional model of communication proposed by M. Meskon and the model of the.