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Today we discuss the need for crawlers to return to Black Ops 4 zombies due to the increasing difficulty of Easter eggs based on artificial inflation of difficulty and the enjoyment of the challenges to players. Inside IX, Voyage of Despair, Blood of the Dead, and Dead of the Night's main quest Easter Eggs we have seen countless steps turn the game from fun to awful. I suggest that having crawlers could eliminate some of those problems while re-engaging players inside the game games. RADAUSTIN27 Discord Link: To support the videos on Patreon: D&D Content: Twitch: Twitch.TV/radaustin27 Our Sponsors: Use code RAD to save 5% at checkout: D&D: 10% off any order Kontrol Freaks: Ewin Gaming Chairs Use code RAD to get 15% off: Website: Twitter: Great Playlists on my Channel Let's Explore: Zombie Theories: Zombie Podcast.

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