Baranov A.N.Lingvisticheskaya ekspertiza teksta [Linguistic examination of the. Issledovanie konfliktnogo teksta v yuridicheskoi praktike [Linguistic study of the.
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The article covers the analysis of the Russian and German somatic vocabulary, including somatic phraseological units which represent the cognitive fragment “emotional space”. The importance of the problem is based on the fact that, firstly, somatic vocabulary is one of the most significant parts of a language in its cognitive aspect; the analysis of somatisms allows the researcher to follow the formation and development of the cognitive experience of mankind. On the other hand, the conceptual metaphor is one of the major means of structuring of our reality where an anthropomorphical (physiological) metaphor plays an important role.
In the analysis of the language material obtained by the method of continuous sampling from lexicographical sources – explanatory dictionaries, dictionaries of synonyms, phrase-books, collections of Russian and German proverbs and sayings – the author identifies the metaphorical model “somatisms→organs dysfunction” as the most frequently used and the most productive in the representation of the cognitive fragment. Besides, the researcher identifies the metaphors specifying the selected metaphorical model (space, temperature, obstacle metaphor). Similarities and differences in the conceptual perception of emotional space by Russians and Germans are analysed in the article. • Babkina, V. (2017), Physiological metaphor as means of creating the image of modern Russia in German media, Nauchny dialog, № 3, 9-18. [in Russian]. And Karaulov, Yu.
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