Script adblock test tool. Apr 01, 2006 Change Your Thinking is the bestselling guide to managing upsetting emotions by learning to think in a healthy and balanced way. Godovoj plan grafik ppr elektrooborudovaniya blank. It provides practical strategies for overcoming negative thoughts and behaviours, and taking control of emotions such as anxiety, depression, frustration, anger and guilt.
All of us experience complicated thoughts and feelings as we negotiate the day and these feelings can be difficult to manage. Sometimes we are aware that the way we think contributes to our difficulties, but don't know what to do about it. Change Your Thinking is soundly based on the principles of cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), the standard psychological tool used by therapists. The aim of CBT is to develop realistic thought patterns to help us respond better to upsetting emotions. In this fully revised and updated edition of her bestselling book Dr Edelman demonstrates how to dispute that nagging voice in your head and deal more rationally with feelings of anger, depression, frustration and anxiety.
The book also offers sensible suggestions for more effective communication and for finding happiness - something that is within everyone's grasp. CBT can help you change your thinking and make a difference to your life - beginning today.
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