From Finland to U.S.A. About this Item: Litera, 2017. Condition: new.
Dannoe uchebnoe posobie mozhet byt ispolzovano kak rabochaja tetrad dlja zanjatij s vashim rebjonkom doma. V njom predstavlen osnovnoj programmnyj material po matematike 4-go klassa. Shkolnik zakrepit projdennye temy i uspeshno otrabotaet neobkhodimye vychislitelnye navyki.
] The third case broke on 24 March 1996 when two officials of the Main Investigative Committee of the Kazakhstan Committee for National Security discovered two workers from the Ulba Metallurgical Plant with 100 kg of stolen uranium-235 (sic). Alma tv ustj kamenogorsk programma peredach. The material had apparently been stolen four months earlier in November 1995. [See entry for 5 April 1996, AFP, 'Sources Say Stocks of Uranium-235 Missing,' and 26 May 1996, 'Karavan Blits,' Metal Workers Caught With 100 kg Stolen Uranium-235.] The article then discusses some of the consequences of these thefts from the Ulba plant.
Takzhe v posobii privedeny pravila i algoritmy, sluzhaschie podskazkoj pri vypolnenii trenirovochnykh uprazhnenij. K zadanijam, kotorye mogut vyzvat u shkolnika zatrudnenija, dany otvety. Language: Russian.
Pages: 16 EAN 200. Seller Inventory # 9.
Testovye zadaniya 4 klass Paperback – 2012. Be the first to review this item. See all formats and editions Hide other formats and editions. Price New from Used from Paperback 'Please retry' — $51.43 — Paperback from $51.43. Matematika 3 klass (1-4 klass) chast' 2 by M. Moro and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at Matematika 4 - AbeBooks Passion for books.
From Finland to U.S.A. About this Item: ROST, 2014. Condition: new. Predlagaemoe posobie soderzhit primery, uravnenija i zadachi povyshennoj slozhnosti, okhvatyvajuschie po svoemu soderzhaniju vse osnovnye voprosy kursa matematiki v nachalnoj shkole. Ono prednaznacheno dlja zanjatij s uchaschimisja, zakanchivajuschimi nachalnuju shkolu. Materialy rasschitany na detej s vysokoj uchebnoj motivatsiej.
Dannyj sbornik mozhet byt ispolzovan dlja individualnoj podgotovki vypusknikov nachalnoj shkoly pri postuplenii v gimnaziju. Language: Russian. Pages: 64 EAN 980. Seller Inventory # 10-448569 10. From Finland to U.S.A. About this Item: Russkoe slovo - uchebnik, 2013. Condition: new.
Nastojaschaja programma sozdana v polnom sootvetstvii s Federalnym gosudarstvennym obrazovatelnym standartom nachalnogo obrazovanija (2009). Programma po matematike dlja obscheobrazovatelnoj shkoly napravlena na izuchenie kursa matematiki, povyshenie interesa k izucheniju nauk v tselom, razvitie logicheskogo myshlenija uchaschikhsja, formirovanie universalnykh uchebnykh dejstvij, formirovanie navykov intellektualnogo truda. Language: Russian. Pages: 40 EAN 437.
Seller Inventory # 10-456519 11.