Home Home arrow_right Mods arrow_right Half-Life Mod v3.2 REWRITTEN(Guns! More Blocks!)(DISCONTINUED) MC1.5.1 Minecraft Mod More Blocks!)(DISCONTINUED) MC1.5.1 Minecraft Mod Create Account. Numerous single-player mods have also been created, such as USS Darkstar (1999, a futuristic action-adventure on board a zoological research spaceship), The Xeno Project 1 and 2 (1999–2005, a two-part mod starting in Xen and again including spaceships), Edge of Darkness (2000, which features some unused Half-Life models), Half-Life: Absolute.
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Status Submission Badges: Researching Year Origin Half-Life 2 Tags,,, Additional References About Gravity Gun, also known as the Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator, is a fictional tractor beam-like weapon introduced in the 2004 first-person shooter, which allows players to lift heavy objects and shoot projectiles at enemies. Replicas of the device have been created by fans of the series and the gun has been added to modded versions of various video games.
Origin On November 16th, 2004, released Half-Life 2, in which the player acquires a 'zero-point energy field manipulator' device early in the game. Originally designed to transport hazardous material, the gravity gun is mainly use to remove heavy objects from obstructing your path.
Additionally, objects like razor blades and exploding barrels can be shot back at enemies using the device. Spread Since its appearance, the gravity gun has been widely discussed on various web forums, including the Steam Forums, ValveTime, IGN, GameBanana and HardForum. Smart school tutor serial key.
On September 13th, 2008, user Nanxaimer submitted an entry for 'gravity gun' (shown below). On August 8th, 2013, the Machinima channel uploaded a fan movie, which pits the gravity gun against the portal gun from the video game series (shown below, left).
On the same day, the CorridorDigital YouTube channel released a short movie titled 'The Gravity Gun,' featuring a fan written origin story for the weapon (shown below, right). Within a year, the videos gained over 472,000 views and 3.8 million views respectively. Various Examples Video Game Mods A number of mods allowing players to use the gravity gun have been made for the games.