Well I got around to the serial finally, it's a tenor marked #18844. No country of origin stamp either. This horn really impresses me with the big sound (Buffet??) it gets. The closest comparison for me would be an older Buescher. Reminds me of a TH&C I once had. Way different sound color than my VI.
Buffet Crampon. Buffet Harmony Saxophone. Many of the documents which contained accurate information regarding serial numbers have been lost and as a. The record is much less complete after 1936. Instruments manufactured after 1936 range in serial number from ~1350-3600. The log book shows the serial numbers jumping around quite a bit for the Selmer/Adolphe Sax saxophones. Even so, its possible from this record to assemble a basic serial number chart for these instruments.
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Of course the action is nothing to write home about, but it doesn't get in the way too much once you're used to the horn. This ES is a major bar honker for sure. Best cheapest back up tenor I ever had. I recently 'Ohauled my silver VI tenor and it's looking brand new again, anyway my VI is not going to back to the bars anytime soon. Keith, the alto you got is likely a good horn too, curious to know how it works out. From my understanding, when you say Evette Schaeffer saxophones, you can be talking about at least four different varieties: 1) Those very vintage early horns made by the company that would become Buffet Crampon from ca.
1890 through 'the teens' (20th century). They usually have ornate script engraving on the bells. 2) Horns from the '20s with less ornate engraving 3) ES 'Master' models from the 1950s (and '60s?) that are Buffet-made and almost identical to SDAs. These have brass keys. 4) ES 'Master' models that are Keilwerth-made with tell-tale Keilwerth nickel keywork. But I said 'from my understanding' because the Evette Schaeffer history seems to be very multi-faceted and complex, with more than one company and numerous stencils involved.
With that said, is this a Keilwerth-made horn (#4 above): The ad says it's 'Paris-made' but there's a ES Master alto on Junkdude of the same vintage and appearance that he says was made by JK. And the keywork looks very JK to me. Anyone have any experience with these JK-made 'ES' sops? And if so, how do you rate them? Are they kind of clanky, 'studenty,' etc.?
The tenor shows off its original lacquer finish and a clean body tube, bow and bell. There is a standard amount of cosmetic character to the sax which is very typical of a lovingly played vintage sax. This tenor does still have the original gold plated springs. All of the original key work, guards and posts are intact on this saxophone and in very good condition.
The bow cap is also in great shape and has never been dented or pushed in. This saxophone includes the original Buffet neck. The neck was pulled down in the past and later corrected. Its octave key saddle has also been re-soldered.