Preseason Camp Forms Please fill out the following online forms as soon as possible. The deadline is Friday, July 1, 2016! PMB (most of you have already done this) PMB PMB PMB Pregame Music (pdf files) Warm-Ups (pdf files) Halftime Show #2 - Russian Nights (pdf files) Baritone (B.C.) Camp Schedule: A tentative schedule for camp can be found.
Tuba: Methods: • Pearson – Standard of Excellence Book 1(red). • Lautzenheiser. Tuba: Warm Ups: • Davis – 20 Minute Warm up Routine. Allen Ostrander’s 20 Minute Warm-Up was developed rather than written. It contains material he used in his daily warm up, material he used with his students, and finger exercises he used when called upon to play baritone on short notice. A warm up should be a preparation for playing.
Syllabus and Handbook:. Summer Training: Marching Fundamentals: This video (from Western Michigan) presents marching techniques we use in PMB. These are just overviews of each item presented and we will build upon these at camp. ANNOUNCEMENTS Camp is not that far off!
Make sure you are taking time to do the following things this summer in order to be prepared: 1. Drink lots of water.
Get exercise! Try to get outside during a warmer part of the day, even for 10-15 minutes to help your body prepare for late August heat. Download music and get practicing, especially on the warm-ups. Sertifikat na tolj tg 350. • What parts do you prepare for camp? Good questions.
The best advice I have for you is to print off all parts for each song and prepare the one that you feel most comfortable in performing. Not everyone can be 1st trumpet (or whatever other section)! We want great players on all parts. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter (@EIUPMB), and sign up for text announcements (Send @panthermar to 815-261-0531) Make sure you have reviewed the syllabus! Band Banquet More to come later in the season. Pre-Season Camp 2016 Information about pre-season camp coming SOON! Register for PMB Be sure you are registered for MUS 0202 for 1 credit hour, and have filled out the.
Seniors and Juniors, please register for 0202B. Sophomores and Freshmen, please register for 0202a. All members of the PMB must complete the pre-season form by July 1, 2016, to confirm spot in drill. Any confirmations after this date may mean marching as an alternative in some or all of the first show.
The passing test standards are also demonstrated on the new Test Standards DVD for Pre-Alpha – Delta and Freestyle 1-10 tests. Share this page: ISI TESTING REQUIREMENTS The list below includes the current required maneuvers for all Tot, Pre-Alpha–Delta, Freestyle, Couple, Pair, Dance, Free Dance, International Dances, Figure and Special Skater tests. Details for each maneuver below can be found in the current edition of the ISI Handbook. The current ISI Handbook and Test Standards DVD can be purchased by current ISI members from the ISI office. Programmnij kompleks deljta test 2 results.
Tentative 2016 Band Calendar Here is the tentative calendar for Fall 2016. Please note that additional exhibition/away game performances will be scheduled in addition to the following: August 14-20 Band Camp August 19 Prowl Photo Day TBA August 21 First Night 7:30 PM September 1 Western Illinois 6:00 PM September 24 Austin Peay (Family Weekend) 1:00 PM October 1 Panther Marching Band Festival All Day October 8 Tennessee State 6:00 PM October 21 Homecoming Pep Rally TBA October 22 Homecoming Parade TBA Murray State (Homecoming) 1:00 PM November 5 University of TN, Martin (Band Day) 1:00 PM TBA Football Playoffs TBA.
NEW: Digital Downloads of WARM-UP SHEET MUSIC SAMPLES Here's some FREE sheet music samples for warm-up and practice. Also See our for more scores, sheet music, and music tracks for trombone, tuba, and euphonium and low brass ensemble music. Warm-ups - Sheet Music Low-Middle-High Warm-Up BC - Low-Middle-High Warm-Up TC - Rhythm Warm-up BC - Rhythm Warm-up TC - Scales - Sheet Music Scales BC Major - Harmonic Minor BC - Scales TC Major - Harmonic Minor TC - Camptown Duet - Sheet Music Trombone/Euphonium BC - Trombone/Euphonium TC - Tuba - Minuette Trio - Sheet Music Trombone/Euphonium BC - Trombone/Euphonium TC - Tuba.